person playing dj turntable
Photo by David Bartus on

What ARE “Here” and “Feel”?

Many of you may have found your way to my website after listening to one of my episodes of “Here” or “Feel” and you’ve been wondering: “What ARE these two shows you make?” And because that’s a great question, I thought I’d answer it and give you some insight as to why these shows exist, and what they are!

For starters, 90% of the time when I DJ live online, I do so with no predetermined setlist in mind and with the intent of listening to new music that we haven’t heard before! Other than any favorites that I have at the time or requests that come in via the live chat, most of the music that is played during each show is completely unique to that episode. It may also end up that some of the transitions between songs are not as smooth as they could be, given that I’m listening to a song for the very first time, but I hope that you don’t judge me too harshly for that! These are all recorded live and mixed in real time instead of pre-recorded in a setting in which the transitions can be guaranteed perfect, with very few edits going in to the recordings that you hear back on demand.


Here is my weekly trance and progressive house show that streams live on most Saturday nights on my Twitch page! For the first hour, we begin slow with some beautiful proggy house before lighting the night up with two hours of the best trance we can find! This is my signature show with my favorite genres, so this is the one to listen to first. We also have a club within the video game FINAL FANTASY XIV in which you can dance in! You can find my entire playlist of Here episodes on it’s Mixcloud playlist!


Feel is my weekly deep house show that streams live on most Sunday mornings on my Twitch page! The feel (no pun intended) of this show is to vibe as we wake up on a Sunday morning. It’s also great for folks who are looking for something calm to listen to at work or while trying to fall asleep! Instead of bumping beats, you can just let yourself relax to these tunes. You can find my entire playlist of Feel episodes on it’s Mixcloud playlist!

As always, if you have any questions about any of these shows, or want to hear a message read live on one of the recordings of Here, join my Discord and let me know it in the DJ Weasel section! Thank you, as always, for your support, and enjoy the music!